
Compare And Contrast: Mrs. Jones And The Washwoman

Decent Essays

Scottie Maher
Hour 1
Compare and Contrast
“The large woman simply turned around and kicked him right square in his blue-jeaned sitter. Then she reached down, picked the boy up by his shirt front, and shook him until his teeth rattled.” Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones and the Washwoman are similar because they are both caring, forgiving, and independent. They are also different in many ways. The Washwoman is quiet and softly spoken while Mrs. Jones is opinionated and loud. Other contrasts include how Mrs. Jones is large while the Washwoman is small, and how Mrs. Jones is physically strong while the Washwoman is strong willed. For as many differences that they have, the Washwoman and Mrs. Jones have many traits in common.
Mrs. Jones and the …show more content…

Mrs Jones differs from her in this way. She is “a large woman with a large purse.” She is large and powerful enough to make the teenage boy feel very small. Mrs. Jones also has great physical strength. She is strong enough to shake Roger until “his teeth rattled.” She also kicks him very powerfully and drags him to her house in her grip. This greatly differs from the Washwoman. She does not possess physical strength, but rather a strength of will. She becomes very ill and is eventually bedridden. The only reason she brings back the wash is because she, “could not rest easy in my bed because of the wash.” Her will keeps her alive because she did want to be a burden to the family. She overcomes sickness because of her strong will. Mrs. Jones, while being very caring, is also very opinionated. She speaks her opinions loud and clear, and she doesn’t see anything wrong speaking loudly. She tells Roger when she first meets him, “Your face is dirty. I got a great mind to wash your face for you.” Her opinionated personality along with her loud nature makes her point this out rather rudely, rather than ignoring it. The Washwoman, on the other hand, is very humbled. Other than small conversations with the family, she mostly keeps to herself. She does this because she, “did not want to become a burden.” She is not around the family enough to get to know them well, so she stays quiet. Even if she was, she would not be loud because she would not want to be a

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