
Compare And Contrast New England And The Middle Colonies

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New England and The Middle Colonies may be considered the two most prestigious and developed societies in the British colonies. They were categorized by religion, education, and population growth. New England consisted of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut while the Middle Colonies were made up of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. Although the two regions were the pinnacle of society in the New World, they were very different in how they went about accomplishing this. New England is viewed as more of a rigid society while the Middle colonies were less controlling but in turn less safe. New England and the Middle colonies were both very successful regions, however, the people there lived their lives very …show more content…

New England was plagued with religious persecution at the hands of the Puritans. The Puritans believed that the English church needed to be purified and upon receiving persecution in Great Britain decided to move to New England. But in this new place, people were often kicked out of their Puritan communities for violating their code of conduct or questioning a religious leader. They would be left to fend for themselves in a place that they were unfamiliar with. A few lucky ones managed to survive and find new groups but the majority would die at the hands of starvation, the cold, or Indians. The Middle Colonies were not like that. There were over a dozen documented religious groups in the region. Overall freedom was mixed with repression in New England. The Middle Colonies were a much more accepting place as tolerance was practiced by leaders and officials as well as the regular colonists. This can partially be attributed to the fact that people were more spaced out so there wasn't as much face to face contact with different people, but it also can be attributed to the fact that the Middle colonies …show more content…

It was 95% white and English and majority families which meant around equal number of men and women. The percentage of people in the upper class was much bigger than it was in the middle colonies. Because of the staggering growth of the economy and the natural growth from so many families immigrating there, New England began to run out of space for the number of people it had. This was never an issue for the middle colonies as the amount of land was much greater and it wasn’t until 1770 that the population matched the population in New England. It was also far less English than New England with only 50% of its population of English descent by 1800 which caused less persecution and more diversity. Going along with that, the majority of people living in the Middle Colonies were middle or lower class people. In the cities it would be merchants, artisans, and farmers in the country. There was a large contrast in the demographics of the two regions but growth and economic activity invaded

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