
Compare And Contrast Northern And Southern Colonies

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The colonies were set up by the people’s intention for them as well as the region they so happened to hand at. Almost all of them did not reach their intended purpose for their set up. This however led to many slightly similar and completely different ways of life. The southern and northern colonies both developed because of their specific circumstances as well as the people who live there. There were many similarities in the southern colony. Many of the founders came with different ideas on how to make money than what the eventually ended up with. Nonetheless the south ad perfect climate and areas for growing various cash crops. This caused numerous large plantations to dominate the regions. These areas were founded by young men and very little women so the value of females …show more content…

For this to be achieved they had three main rules; No alcohol, no slaves, and stay on the land you were given. This however did failed. It was also a buffer state so that the Spanish could not go up the eastern coast waging war with farther north colonies. This most likely caused the early Georgia colony to be slightly military oriented. Eventually people started expanding their plantations and buying slaves to work their fields. This lead to something resembling an Aristocracy in Georgia, where the rich were powerful and stayed rich. These thing combined lead to low literacy rate because there were no public schools and the only people who could afford a tutor were rich white people. Also woman could have some power because they were valued very highly in the women lacking south. Also there were no close communities because everything was divided up into plantations. As time went on people stopped going to Georgia because it was almost possible to move through the ranks of society which many settlers found as a turn

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