
Compare And Contrast Odysseus And Beowulf

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The Odyssey, by Homer, shows what Odysseus went through to get home in the 20 years he was away from home. From the day Telemachus was born, Odysseus left to go fight in Trogan War. He fought in Troy for 10 years and then took a worrisome route home for 10 more. He endured death and many hardships that only he was able to survive throughout the time away from home. Meanwhile, Beowulf protrayed good vs. evil, establishing an identity, and what it means to be heroic. Beowulf, keeper of warriors, defeated Grendal and Grendal’s mother. But that wasn’t enough, he had to defeat the most dangerous, petrifying dragon; only then would he retire. Because of his courage and bravery, his strength wasn’t enough this time; he ended up dying for the Geats when he fought the dragon. Although in a way Odysseus and Beowulf both had support, they are both powerful heroes who accomplished amazing things; however, Odysseus, who was known for his cunning, was flawed and had help from the gods, while Beowulf, who was known for his bravery and strength, was portrayed as flawless.
Beowulf, who had no family and no help fighting …show more content…

Odysseus and Beowulf, throughout their peregrinations, were assisted by few and respected by many. While Odysseus got through his hardships with his smarts and deceiving, Beowulf worked his way towards prosperity with courage and strength. Odysseus wanted to get home to his son and wife; after all his strenuous exertion, he achieved just that. Beowulf wanted to kill Grendel and Grendel’s mother, but that wasn't the cessation of Beowulf; 50 years later, he was confronted with a dragon. He accomplished everything that he wanted; however, when he took down the dragon, he went died along with it. Overall, Beowulf and Odysseus are very kindred, but they, also,

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