
Compare And Contrast Salem Witch Trials And Bacon's Rebellion

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Two of the famous tensions in colonial society was the Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) and the Salem Witch Trials (1692). These two events were very close in time period, and had colonies in a panic. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676 and the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 are prime examples tension found in colonial life. At the time when these two events occurred, practices of economic inequality, social differences, and religious impact for the future. Bacon’s Rebellion and the Salem Witch Trials both had many unethical ways to obtain something. They both used the practices like scapegoating and large scale rebellions. Bacon’s Rebellion in particular was very unique. For the first time, poor blacks and white fight together to achieve a goal. This alliance was a huge surprise considering the slavery laws that were about. Bacon’s Rebellion was came about as a protest to Sir William Berkeley’s policies with the Native American attacks. The Salem Witch Trials became a result of the …show more content…

As discussed before, it was a huge surprise for blacks and whites to fight together. This was because slaves and whites do not cooperate in any way, regardless of their economic status. As for the Salem Witch Trials, social differences were prevalent. Because of these differences, the lower class wanted to obtain economic wealth, therefore targeting the wealthy to obtain land, higher ranking, and power. The accusations also had a pattern within location. Individuals that lived closer to the shore were what is said to be more “worldlier,” therefore most of them were accused of practicing witchcraft. The citizens that lived on farms that were further inland were swayed by the church. This pattern helps narrow down the type of people who did the accusations and who they targeted. The Salem Witch Trials was not all about economics. The accusations were also used as a way to obtained revenge those who have wronged

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