
Compare And Contrast Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie

Decent Essays

In Sherman Alexie’s essay “Superman and Me” Alexie uses an extended metaphor to explain how himself and the fictional character Superman are alike. A few points I have found in the passage are they both break down doors ,mental and literal, they both save lives , mental mindsets and physical beings, and they are both stereotyped through the whole essay, whether it is to never fail or always fail.

Both Alexie and Superman break down doors. In paragraph four of Alexie’s essay he explains he picked up a Superman comic but he couldn’t read it so be looked at the picture and saw Superman was breaking down a door. “Superman breaks through a door.” Then in paragraph eight Alexie conveys how he is trying to break down other Indians mental doors blocking him from reaching out to the to help them “I throw my weight against their locked doors. The doors hold.” Although Superman broke down literal doors and Alexie broke down mental ones they both did it for the greater good.

Superman and Alexie also both save multiple lives. On page three, picture three Superman is looking out onto the city alert and ready to jump into action. In paragraph eight Alexie explains he wa trying to save Indians by teaching them to …show more content…

Superman was supposed to be perfect never fail or mess up. In picture one on page one Superman failed and is being taunted. “ONE FAILURE--AND YOU FORGET ALL THE GOOD I’VE DONE!”Alexie was supposed to be imperfect, always fail, and never succeed in the non Indian world. In paragraph six it gives two examples of the stereotype Alexi is taunted with. “A smart Indian is a dangerous person.” And, “As Indian children, we were supposed to fail in the non Indian world.” Superman was stereotyped as perfect and taunted for failing and Alexie was stereotyped as stupid and was taunted for succeeding while these two stereotypes are opposites they are both taunted for going against

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