
Compare And Contrast The Articles Of Confederation With The Constitution Of 1787

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The Constitution of 1787 tried to fix the problems of the Articles of Confederation by allowing the federal government to tax the states, giving states better representation in the legislative branch, and centralizing the federal government. Though many Americans had originally not wanted a strong national government, after seeing the chaos of a weak central government, it was realized a strong national government was necessary. In addition, better state representation in the legislative branch of government gave more reassurance of a strong resistance to tyranny in the government. Furthermore, though some resisted the taxes of the federal government, the government’s response to such rebellions (for example, the Whiskey Rebellion) further displayed the capability and willingness of the central government to enforce its laws. In brief, the Articles of Confederation set up a weak central government, which the Constitution of 1787 responded to with strong federal government with more authority. …show more content…

Larger states wished for state representation to be based on population while smaller states opposed the concept. The Virginia Plan had the lower house of the legislative branch be represented by population and the upper house was elected by the lower house. This meant the smaller states may not be represented in the upper house. However, the Great Compromise settled solved the problem by having two delegates from each state in the upper house, satisfying the smaller states. The lower house of representation would still be based on population, pleasing the larger states. In the end, the Great Compromise, which was reflected in the Constitution of 1787, resolved the state representation issue that had plagued the Confederation created by the Articles of

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