
Compare And Contrast The Chesapeake Colonies And New England Colonies

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During the 16th and 17th century, European countries were colonizing the recently discovered Americas. England colonized two areas, but these two regions had unique cultures and different economies. New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origins, but by the 1700s the regions evolved into two distinct societies because of their different economies and cultures but also have a similarity in how they treated Native Americans. Chesapeake and New England colonies first differed throughout their economy. The Chesapeake colonies economy came mostly from cultivating tobacco. While New England’s economy was much more diverse as most people’s occupations were fishing, shipbuilding, and cutting down trees. Chesapeake first seemed to be an economic failure but the settlers soon came to realize that the Chesapeake region was an excellent area to grow tobacco because of the hot climate. Since tobacco required a large amount of labor, colonists used Native Americans and slaves to cultivate the tobacco. Later, African Americans were used as the main labor force because slaves had no cost and had no rights, so the English could punish them more. Tobacco …show more content…

The majority of people who migrated to the Chesapeake colony were single men and indentured servants. Since there were very few women there, the population growth rate was very slow. While the people who migrated to New England were mostly families. In New England, the population grew much more rapidly where most people married young. New England had a theocracy where their government was ran by religious clergyman. While the English crown appointed governors. The New England colony held annual elections and gave the right to vote to all “freedmen.” The Chesapeake colony had a House of Burgesses which was an assembly which met regularly to talk about raising

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