
Compare And Contrast The Federalist And Anti-Federalists

Decent Essays

During a time of extreme change, the states were looking for something that would help them govern themselves in a manner better than the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution of the United States was drafted in 1787 and before it could become law, it had to be ratified by nine of the thirteen states. There was quite a bit of disagreement when it came to the Constitution and how it constructed the new government. In an attempt to garner votes for the acceptance of the Constitution, Alexander Hamilton and other Framers began to write essays in the local newspapers praising it. These letters were called the Federalist Papers. In contrast, a group of men who were opposed to the ratification of the Constitution and the new form of government wrote letters called the Anti-Federalist Papers. This is considered by some to be the first two political parties in the United States. These two sets of essays helped to persuade the people of the United States to accept the Constitution and the new …show more content…

That is the question. If I were alive during this exciting time in American history and were reading the Federalist and Anti-federalist papers, I believe that I would support the Federalists. There are portions of both the Federalist and Anti-federalist papers that I find compelling and can argue for and against the ratification for the US Constitution. However, using the John Mills approach of utilitarism, the greater good for the greatest number, I could deduce that having a strong central government, while still allowing states to have power, would be the best thing for the new nation. Federalist #46 argued that a strong federal government could empower a strong national army that would protect all of the states in times of crisis. This would have been an important factor of my decision during this time. Since the states had recently succeeded from Great Britain, the thought that the British may try to invade would still be strong in my

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