
Compare And Contrast The French And British Colonies

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Before 1750, two prominent colonial powers emerged from Western Europe: France and Great Britain. As the conquest of land beyond Eurasia advanced over the 17th century, the French and British settled their new colonies in the Americas, despite the presence of the Native American settlements. Both colonial powers proved to initially hold similar goals in establishing relationships with the Native Americans in the New World. However, as time progressed, the French were able to maintain a sense of respect and equality towards the Indians that the British could not, resulting in contrasting relations in favor of the French, concerning the development of cultural, economic, and diplomatic affairs with the Native Americans. Concerning cultural acceptance, both the French and British held desires to spread their respective country’s cultural and religious beliefs; however, through examining the methodology behind each country’s spread of their beliefs, it has become apparent that the French successfully appealed to a more interactive approach in comparison to the British’s more cautious advancement. Having a strong desire to spread Christianity to the indigenous people, the French had “Hundreds of priests, most of them Jesuits, fanned out to live in Indian communities. They mastered Indian languages and came to understand, and sometimes respect, their values.” (Henretta, 56). The consideration that the French held towards the American Indian’s values established a sense of peace

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