
Compare And Contrast The Industrial And Industrial Revolution

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Industrial and Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution began when they do the textile machines. Was a machine that can turned cotton into yarn. A inventor called Eli Whitney created a machine that cleaned cotton quickly. Cotton became most important source of America and biggest export. The government hired Eli Whitney to maken thousands of guns for them. At that time guns were made by hand.Whitney thought in a way to make them that was quicker and cheaper he used interchangeable parts. Then all the factories start using his idea and the productivity of the nation increased.
The french revolution start in 1789 in that time they were only three social clases: The first state, the second state and the third state was the rest of the …show more content…

The peopleof the provinces and the rurals areas were quite, in this way the consequences of revolutions remained confined to the big cities only.
The results of both classes brought hope to the people of the middle class there were the most benefited of the both revolutions, while the patriots and liberals could extract no advantage from this revolutions. The results of both of the revolutions were quite against tehir expectations.
The main causes leading to the outbreak of July Revolution in 1830 were the political and social unrest, and inequality. The rich people and the feudal lords of France were enjoying special privileges under the rule of Charles X.They, with the help of Charles X, determined to end the systems and changes which were introduced in the society as a result of the French Revolution of 1789.
Thus, the main aim of the revolutionists in 1830 was to re-establish the political and social systems in France which were being destroyed by the reactionary powers. As a result of the July Revolution of 1830, the constitutional monarchy was established in France. In this way, the monarchy could not be overthrown in 1830; only the theory of the Divine Right of Kings was put to an …show more content…

After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Ultra Royalists had tried to re-establish the ancient regime in France. This activity of the Ultra Royalists had posed a danger for the principle of social equality propagated and established by the French Revolution of 1789.
In spite of this achievement, the revolutionists failed to establish political equality in 1830. As a result of the July Revolution, the voting right was given to the people of upper middle class. The government of Louis Philippe was called the government of the rich. The common people could not be benefited by this new government established after the July Revolution.
But a revolutionary change was introduced in 1848 in the field of political democracy. The franchise was so extended that every adult citizen of France could get the voting right. In this way, the common people got the right to take part in the administration of their own country.
The political monopoly of the capitalists was abolished. Thus the Revolution of 1848 was a significant event in the history of the political democracy of France. It ushered in a new era in which franchise was conferred upon the whole nation. Prior to this, it was the monopoly of the rich middle

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