
Compare And Contrast The Olmec And Mesoamerican Americans

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Critical Thinking Questions – Chapter 1
How did the Olmec, Aztec, Inca, Maya, and North American Indians differ in their ways of life and cultural achievements? How did their particular circumstances—geography, history, or the accomplishments of the societies that had preceded them, for example—serve to shape their particular traditions and cultures?
Although both North American, Mesoamerican, and South American Indians were similar in that they were polytheistic since they worshipped several Gods and they lived according to their environment. In fact, geography played a critical role in their lifestyle. In some instances, their predecessors shaped their culture such was the case for the Hopi whose ancestors were the Pueblo who built their homes in the southwest region of the U.S.
Most of the Mesoamerican and South American Indians built large sculptures or pyramids for their …show more content…

Their complex societies include advanced architectural works in the buildings of their pyramids and home all without the use of a wheel or machinery and built on the backs of human labor. A great example of this would be the Incan city of Machu Picchu. Additionally, their mathematical skills and astronomical calculations is astounding since their accuracy is verified in modern times. The Olmec’s were first to establish such calendar according to appropriate farming seasons and would later be adopted by the Mayans who will come to perfect their calculations and calendar. One common denominator for all of these complex societies was their large-scale agriculture production especially in corn or maize. Depending on their geography they cultivated their crops differently. The Aztecs created chinampas that allowed the lake water to irrigate their crops, whereas the Inca people farmed on terraced land within the mountains or the Olmec’s who built aqueducts to irrigate their

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