
Compare And Contrast The Successes And Failures Of The Continental Congress

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In the decade immediately following the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the colonies had to scramble to form effective state governments and a national government. While the continental congress already existed, it had no real powers and the states had no official constitutions. The constitutions they developed and they way they distributed power in that first decade was far from perfect but it had a few successes. For this period of time, most of the power was given to the individual state governments that formed immediately following the declaration of independence. Each state drafted its own constitution and took things in slightly different directions. For all of the colonies however, there were a few key similarities. All of the state governments were republican and a governor was put in place who could typically veto legislation but not dismiss the state legislature.(“State Constitutions”) The goals of the new governmental system was to have the government gain its power form the people rather than have a single entity(a king) hold all of the power. The first task of the continental congress following the declaration of independence was raising an army to fight the British. At first they tried to recruit troops themselves and enlisted George Washington to be the commander of their army. This was actually a bit of a failure at …show more content…

This was a major success with forming alliances that would provide the resources needed to win the war. Most important of all was the alliance made with the French in which the French sent over direct military aid and a navy to assist in the fighting. However there were setbacks such as after the treaty of paris was signed, the British did not know whether they were dealing with one nation or 13 and if the representatives they were talking to could actually speak for all of the

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