
Compare And Contrast Ulysses S. Grant And Robert E Lee

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The Civil war had many great leader and they also had really bad leader’s. The two great leader are Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E Lee. Ulysses S Grant was a leader for the Union and Robert E Lee was the leader of the confederates and lead them to a lot of victory in the war. Ulysses S grant was a kind of guy who didn’t like waiting. Robert E Lee was a military expert but he never on the battlefield. These men are leader because they both lead in what they believed in, whether slavery was good or bad. Ulysses S. Grant was the commander in the Civil war leading the north to one of the greatest victory in the CIvil war. After the war ulysses grant had become our 18th president of the united states. Grant was the youngest president of the u.s

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