
Compare Directional Selection And Disruptive Selection

Decent Essays

Jessica Northey Exam Number 250104
1. Compare directional selection and disruptive selection, Provide an example of each.

The two different types of selection differ because instead of the subject only going in one direction it will split off and go two different ways. This would be disruptive selection where there is more than one option to select or two distinct groups. For example, if some flowers and their colors. The main colors may be red, pink and white primarily, say that the more dominate color being a pink flower. What happens if we remove the pink flower from the equation? It would cause the flowers to shift toward the dominant color which in this case you might think is the red. However, in this case it is not because between red and white is the least drastic and according to phenotypes would be the color that would be dominate if pink was eliminated as an option in a directional selection there is only one trait and it is always that dominant trait that dictates body of the population. Directional selection is more based of natural selection and survival. Examples would be things such as a giraffe having a long neck to reach high foliage than other animals for survival or a bunny being a color more specific to blending into its surroundings.

2. Many pathogenic bacteria species are becoming resistant to antibiotic. Explain how such adaptations can develop through the process of natural selection.
Bacteria are not just suddenly becoming resistant to

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