
Comparing Act 3, Scene Two Of William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Juliet’s Everything If you had to choose between familial and romantic ties, what would you choose? In Act Three, Scene Two of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, Juliet found out that Tybalt, her cousin, died and that her husband, Romeo is banished and curses Romeo. The purpose of this monologue is to demonstrate how much Juliet loves Romeo compare to Tybalt, she is now placing love before anything else she have. The diction in the monologue show how Juliet views the role Romeo and Tybalt plays in the accident that killed Tybalt and banished Romeo. In this case, when Juliet starts taking Romeo’s side, she stated, “But wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin? / that villain cousin would have kill’d my husband” (3.2.105-106).

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