
Comparing Act 3 Scene 5 Of William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Here is what thee needeth to need to knoweth about the Capulet and Montague family feud! As thee hath probably overheard, lately there hath been more heat between the two families than there hath been. Last Monday our dear Romeo was banished from Verona after the quarreling session between him and Tybalt hadst taken a rough turn. After Tybalt slew Romeo’s good cousin Mercutio, Romeo tooketh mad action and tooketh the life of Tybalt. The Montague family swears he didst not kill the gent on purpose, ‘Twas an accident!” Lord Montague hath stated. This mystery of the ugly feud between the families hast been going on for decades and it hath only gotten worse. Officials such as one of Verona’s oldest citizens state that this feud all beganeth with

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