
Comparing Ambition In Macbeth And Scotland, PA

Decent Essays

Scotland, PA.
Macbeth and Scotland, PA. are both the same story that just happens to take place in different settings and situations. The majority of the two story lines are consistent between each other, both convey themes of high ambition leading to a path of destruction, being hungry for power, pretending to be someone you are not and guilt.
Ambition itself is not a bad thing. Pursuing and achieving goals is satisfying. Macbeth and Mcbeth both wanted more in their lives, they both are power hungry but they gave up their good character to attain more power in the societies that they lived in. So when does too much ambition become a bad thing? How much are we willing to sacrifice to get what we want? For Macbeth and Mcbeth murder became reasonable and even encouraged by their wives. A small lie needs a bodyguard of bigger lies to protect it. They had to keep killing more and more people just to cover up for themselves. More and more lies had to be told and more and more crimes must be committed to continue protecting themselves. These …show more content…

Pat sees a burn on her hand long after it is healed and when she is not given ointment to help it heal she cuts off her entire hand because the phantom pain is too unbearable. Lady Macbeth tried to convince Macbeth that everything was going to be fine in the long run but when she realizes that things are falling apart she also hallucinates and sees blood on her hands that can never be cleansed away. The two women both do most of the convincing to their husbands that it would be a good idea to do everything they could to attain the power that they craved. When the men hesitated or expressed regret the women assured them that everything was going to be alright. They acted like they were much stronger than they actually knew they were to avoid discouraging their husbands. Which goes to say that women always have had much more influence on men than we are given credit

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