
Comparing Compatibilism Vs Incompatibilism : A Compatibilist View

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Compatibilism vs Incompatibilism: a compatibilist view
Does determinism imply that there is no free will, as the incompatibilists argue, or does it allow for free will, as the compatibilists argue?
Determinism is the doctrine, that every event, as well as human actions is determined by causes that are independent to the will. From determinism, two opposing views were identified. The incompatibilists view that determinism implies no free will, or the compatibilists view that determinism still allows for free will. The incompatibilist philosophical thinkers have taken determinism as use of a scapegoat, identifying determinism to infer that human beings are unable to have any free will, thus no moral responsibility for taken actions. Whilst the compatibilist philosophical thinkers have taken a softer view of determinism, holding the view that an agents actions are pre-determined, although the agent is still to be held morally responsible for the agent’s voluntary actions. Determinism, as argued for the compatibilists, allows for an agent to hold free will and share equal responsibility for chosen actions.
Great philosophical thinkers from many schools of thought and throughout history have argued the point of determinism. A well-renowned philosopher, for his works on free will and determinism is David Hume. David Hume is considered the most influential compatibilist in this free will debate. His view on determinism very closely determined the foundation of compatibilitism.

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