
Comparing Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Decent Essays

The duality of man is both a persuasive and horrifying topic; I say that because man consists of a combination of good and evil; double-consciousness, homosexuality, criminal law, misleading appearances, etc. Some may even compare it to heaven and hell. Throughout my research paper I will be comparing Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to my everyday life experiences, and symptoms to help. In The Strange Case, Stevenson predominantly focuses on two individuals, Dr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll, and focuses on the link between good and evil. Dr. Jekyll in comparison to Dr. Hyde is a great man who is very much admired in his profession. Dr. Hyde on the other hand is evil. It began with a stroll between Mr. Utterson, a London lawyer, and his kinsman, Mr. Enfield. During their walk, they passed a certain house with an unfamiliar door which had brought Mr. Enfield back to a previous incident that he had encountered; without being provoked, an unpleasant man had trampled over a young girl because she happened to be in his way. The young girl had brought attention to many bystanders who were quite disturbed by this unhuman, disgusting looking man who trampled over an innocent girl. …show more content…

Utterson and Mr. Enfield passed by the house that he saw Hyde trample over the young girl, and around the corner is Dr. Jekyll in a window. As any friend would do, Utterson invited Jekyll on the walk, but Jekyll showed signs of terror, as if something had happened. Utterson and Enfield are taken back at the actions they have just seen. Later that day, Poole, Dr. Jekyll’s servant had stopped by Utterson’s place with news. Poole is suspicious that Dr. Jekyll is a part of foul play; he says that Dr. Jekyll has restricted himself in his laboratory, and has sent Poole on a variety of searches for an unknown drug. Poole is now convinced that his employer has been murdered and that the murderer is still hiding in Jekyll's

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