
Comparing Erikson And Brofenbronner's Cognitive Theory Analysis

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Erikson's psychosocial theory, Vygoskys cognitive theory and Brofenbronner's Ecological theory play an important role in the development of children, adolescence and adulthood . The main reason behind this theories is to explain the different stages that the typical human goes through, beginning from conception through the human life span. Psychoanalytic theories believe that the early experience of life with parents is responsible for the path that a child's development follows. Cognitive theories focus on the importance of conscious thoughts, and behavioral cognitive theories state that development is affected by behavior and the environment (Santrock, 2014 p. 23 ). All of this and more are all theories that many theorist believe describe …show more content…

Vygotsky theory also stated that social interaction and culture play a big role on cognitive development. According to Santrock (2014), Vygotsky's believes that an important part of development is learning to use the inventions of society, like language and culture (p. 24 ). Vygosky says that the interaction that children have are what makes them successful in their culture. His theory centers around the fact that what you are exposed to in your culture and the interactions you have socially are what shape your development, that is why there are children all over the world with different skills and abilities. (Jaramillo 1996 …show more content…

Brofenbronner Ecological theory is divided into five different environmental systems, microsystem, mesosystems, exosystems, macrosystem and chronosystem (Santrock, 2014 p. 27). Brofenbronner believes that the environment a person is from highly impacts their development, whether it be their teachers, family, friends or neighbors. He also believes that the relationship a child has with its environment affects their daily life, for example a child whose who has a bad relationship with his parents might have difficulty having other relationships. Brofenbronner believes that everything in the environment is tied together, relationship with parents affects relationships with teachers and friends, culture affects how a person behaves and also the time period that a person is born in affects their

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