Arshpreet Singh
Professor Ross
English 1510
7 February 2016
Rough Draft
In today's generation, healthy and unhealthy food plays a huge role in one's life. Especially when it comes to budgeting your expenses. Comparing the Guatemala and North Carolina family, you can tell many differences by looking at the images. It's obvious that the family from Guatemala eats healthy and the other doesn’t. Fast food has changed the world we live in now. Many years ago, people ate healthily and spent less money on junk food because they spent most of the time cooking their own food. Over the years, the production of fast food has increased tremendously in America. 77.3 percent of industries have taken over the production of fast food. Agriculture is one
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The North Carolina family spends around $341.98 a week on food. On the other hand, the Guatemala family spends around $75.70 a week. There might be many reasons why the family from North Carolina spends more money compared to the other family. For example, they might have a high paying job and they must be really busy with their working life which tells us that they have no time to cook food at home. It can also be true that the Guatemala family makes less money compared to the North Carolina family. An average Guatemala worker makes around $2508-$3024 per year, whereas an average person in North Carolina makes about $53000 per year. In addition, though the income is really low, the tax rate is pretty high for Guatemalans. The income tax rate in Guatemala is 31 percent, and sales tax is about 12 percent, compared to the North Carolina, the sales tax is as low as 7.25 percent. This makes a huge difference when it comes to buying goods and services. Above all, the United States is a wealthy country, whereas you can see that Guatemala is not. Since it’s a poor country, there might be fewer jobs and a high unemployment rate. The most common job in Guatemala is becoming a farmer. Farming could be another reason why they spend less money on food because they could grow their own vegetables. (Terra …show more content…
Around 160,000 fast food franchises have been opened all over America. America is the most obese country in this world. Healthy food is supplement rich, yet fast food has a tendency to be poor in nutrients and high in calories. Know that fast food can satisfy our day by day calories requirements; not only it gives us calories, but it also harms our health with other ingredients. For instance, fast food is high in soaked fats and trans fats. In addition, it has additives, chemicals, and artificial flavors. Fast food impacts our health and causes infections, for example, heart disease, diabetes, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. On the other hand, healthy food provides the best nutrients and protects our body from sickness, since it contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Fast food is addictive and unhealthy. (Obesity in America) (Chronic
Indeed, Obesity in America is a huge problem that continues to escalate due to fast food chains. Fast food places are everywhere and close range from one another. I don’t even have to walk more than a mile to get to a fast food place. According to Mandal, “Fast foods reduce the quality of diet and provide
In the 21 century, people are suffering from all kinds of diseases and over 85% of them are caused by, an unhealthy, diet. In the United States, 25% of Americans eat fast food every day, which can cause heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, starting with overweight. McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Burger King are very popular, fast food restaurant selling their burgers and fries in the airport, street shop, next to Wal-Mart and college.
The climate is much different in Guatemala. While they have a dry season and it will not rain from October till at least a couple months after February, we have a lot of our rain during these months. In my city we all have electricity and our houses are all wired with a surplus of sockets and individual switches; while in Cesar’s village the countryside is just recently receiving electricity, and their homes only have two sockets and one switch that turns them on and off at the same time. Our Easter celebrations are similar, we both decorate eggs and dress up; but while they dance and set off firecrackers; we have scavenger hunts, go to church, and have a fancy dinner. We both have similar goals to improve our city and to succeed in school.
Guatemala has various types of food and is really diverse. Some of the most popular food and dishes include: bananas, plantains, radish salad, black bean paste, guacamole, and Spanish tortillas. Those foods and dishes are traditional meals in Guatemalan culture (Guatemala Food). The dress of Guatemala includes colorful old fashioned clothes and dresses
The main religions of Guatemala are Roman Catholic and Protestant, though some still follow indigenous Mayan beliefs. Ancient Mayans who lived in Guatemala hundreds of years ago were advanced mathematicians and astronomers who were able to do some things with their limited technology that were just about as good as what we can do today. For example, ancient Mayans used zero in their mathematics in 300-900 A.D., which didn’t come about in Europe until the middle ages. Though a well documented civilization, no one today knows how Mayan civilization fell. For, by the time Spanish conquerors came to Latin America, Mayan civilization had
Throughout the nation’s mountainous regions, sandy beaches and clear Caribbean waters, a multitude of cultures are represented in this small nation. Cultures that involve Mayan influences, African roots and modern-day European aspects of life are vibrantly expressed today and make Guatemala one of the most culturally diverse parts of the world. Furthermore, a majority of the population is either Mestizo (of Spanish/European-Native Indian heritage) (consists of 59.4% of the population) or of Mayan/indigenous heritage (40.3% of the population). In fact, over half of Guatemalans are descendants of the ancient Mayan civilization. The remaining population consists of white non-Hispanics and people not of a Mayan or indigenous background.
In America, there are so many different religions that are practice all across the country. In Guatemala there aren’t as many religions practiced. In Guatemala their main religion is Catholicism but the other two religions that are mostly practiced are Christianity and Mayan Spiritualism. You don’t see many other religions past these three. Because of this, Guatemala seems to have more festivals and holidays, because most people share the same religion.
Surrounded by the Central American countries of Mexico, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador , lies the beautiful and captivating country of Guatemala. But looking inside the country filled with breathtaking views, is a whole new world marked with such diversity in its culture. Guatemala’s diverse culture is demonstrated through its people, traditions and etiquettes, arts and landmarks, and foods and holidays.
Guatemala is located in Central America and it is bordered by Mexico towards the North and West. The population of Guatemala is very diverse, over 15 million people consist mainly of Mestizos, Amerindians, and Europeans. Approximately 182 live births average per day. (49.201 An hour) Guatemala means “land of forests”. The culture of Guatemala reflects strongly upon Mayan and Spanish influences and continues to be defined as a contrast between villagers and high landers. Much of the customs in Guatemala are widely
A staple diet for Guatemalans is maize. Maize is corn, but it has different colors. In almost all their meals one would find black beans, white rice, and corn tortillas. For breakfast they would often eat scrambled eggs and fried plantains. In Guatemala black beans would be eaten fried, mashed, or eaten whole. Chicken, turkey, and beef are the most popular meats in Guatemala usually eaten with black beans and rice. On the costs* of Guatemala seafood is the most common and it is mostly eaten with spices. Guatemalan people love coffee and they drink it with lots of
The Guatemalan culture is very different than the American culture. They eat and drink almost the same food as us but at different times. Almost every meal in Guatemala consists of black beans, white rice, and corn tortillas. Their breakfast is a little different then us as they eat scrambled eggs with fried plantains. Fresh fruit is very common as they love it in Guatemala. The country’s favorite meat are chicken and beef. These meats and all other meats are usually salted and put in chili sauce. There traditional snacks are tamales and empanadas. They usually drink weak coffee with little milk along with their meals. They also love having fruit juice mixed with water or milk. In Guatemala they can’t drink their tap water because it’s not clean which could result in upset stomach or infections. Guatemala has similar foods to us but they still don’t have the amount of food or sanitation we have in America.
Fast food has a harmful effect on society because it can cause obesity. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry believes obesity “Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise.” (parag. 1).The causing and treating of obesity is complex but it is the most recognizable disease. Consistently eating fast food and a poor can lead to obesity in anyone. The risks of obesity include an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, fast food “Studies have shown that over the past four decades, consumption of food eaten away from home has also risen alarmingly” (parag. 8). This means that fast food is high in fat, sugar, salt, carbs, calories, saturated and trans fats. This type of eating leads to a higher body mass index or gained weight. Children and adolescents are at a
The fast food industry provides quick, cheap, and easy access to foods that in the customers opinion, is very delicious, and affordable, however this food which millions of people around the world are constantly consuming, could actually cause major health problems, and weight gain in the long run. Major fast food companies throughout the world know what they are doing when it comes to marketing towards all types of people. Some people will find numerous different things to blame for the epidemic of fast food making individuals overweight. In recent research on, or discussions of the fast food industry having an effect on people's health, a controversial issue has been raised, and that is the fact that this problem affects not only
Fast food can fall into many categories of being classified as unhealthy. They are normally considered “high in calories, fats, saturated and trans saturated fats, sugars, simple carbohydrates, and high in sodium” (“Obesity and Fast Food,” 2017). According to Christina Knopp, the average person weight has risen to 157 pounds, this increase has been seen mainly in men
Over the years, Americans have slowly become aware of the seemingly crippling effects of fast food on their health. Lack of exercise along with an unhealthy diet is one of the leading causes of obesity, and fast food is a major contributor to those unhealthy diet choices. Fast food contributes the most to the astonishing rise in rates of obesity over the past years. The nutritional content of fast food is excessively high in calories and fat; in other words, fast food is in no way healthy for any consumer. A large majority of Americans can concur that fast food is an easy, tasty, quick and inexpensive meal, but it is ultimately becoming the pandemic of America. Americans should consider cutting back on eating fast food once and for all. If rising rates of obesity isn’t enough of a scare, then there is certainly more to know.