
Comparing Hamlet And The Lion King

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Shakespeare's work is seen in many different movies in today’s society. Disney's movie The Lion King connects greatly to one of Shakespeare's most talked about plays The Tragedy of Hamlet. They both have various similarities and differences. Some similarities and differences in the two are both kings in the killed by their jealous brothers and their brothers take over as the new king, both kings come back as ghosts, both Hamlet and Simba fight their uncles and both uncles will soon die in The Tragedy of Hamlet, the king tells Hamlet to take revenge on his uncle and in The Lion King the king tells Simba to find his place in the circle of life, Hamlet kills his uncle and Simba does not, and Hamlet and his mother both died from being poisoned. …show more content…

In The Tragedy of Hamlet, Old Hamlet is killed by his brother, Claudius, who has poured poison in his ear while he is asleep. In The Lion King Mufasa is killed by his brother, Scar, who pushes him off of a cliff. In both films the kings are killed by their brothers because their brothers are jealous of them and want to rule their kingdom. In both films the kings come back as a ghost and talk to their sons. In The Tragedy of Hamlet, Old Hamlet comes back as a ghostly figure and tells Hamlet to take revenge on his uncle but leave his mother to go to heaven because she has done no wrong (Shakespear, 36). In The Lion King, Mufasa comes back in the stars and tells Simba to take his proper place in the circle of life. After both Hamlet and Simba speak with their fathers they both will carry out what was asked to be done of

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