
Comparing Karl Marx And Philip Caputo's What Unites These States

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Karl Marx once stated, “Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relation within which these individuals stand.” Marx explains the importance of individuals working together and supporting each other in society. Works such as “What Unites These States?” by Philip Caputo, President Clinton's “Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address,” and President Lincoln's “Gettysburg Address” all stress the importance of society, and describe examples of how societies unite to support, to protect, and to ensure the progress of their nation. Individuals banding together as one society are stronger than individuals remaining apart. Individuals support each other during natural disasters and tragedies to unite societies. For example, the Oklahoma bombing tragedy induced mourning from citizens of the United States for those that had lost their lives and for those who had lost a loved one. The incident sent a shockwave across the nation and personnel immediately began to help, investigate, pray, and grieve. To support the grieving victims, Clinton exclaimed, “Today our nation joins with you in grief. We mourn with you. We share your hope against hope that some may still survive” (21). During the Oklahoma City bombing, the nation felt …show more content…

Societies fight and disagree because of the diversity and vast range of ideas that make each unique. However, these differences allow the nation to create ideas or laws that include all ways of life and ultimately increase satisfaction.. According to Annalise Apel, “to grow as a country, we need to have conflicts,and conflict is healthy”(Caputo). Conflicts and disagreements drive countries to improve and advance their society. Without conflict and disagreements, countries feel contempt with their current way of life, and do not feel an urge to improve their

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