
Comparing Macbeth And King Duncan

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Macbeth, a noble servant of the King, and King Duncan, the ruler of Scotland, are eminently similar. However, what distinguishes theses two characters is not their ambition but their intentions. William Shakespeare, the playwright of Macbeth, very deliberately gave both Macbeth and King Duncan similar character traits but completely contrary motives. As Macbeth is well-liked, ambitious and selfish; King Duncan is also well-liked, ambitious, and selfless. That small detail that separates the two is is used by Shakespeare to show that it is not ambition that corrupts a person but selfishness. When King Duncan gives Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor, when Macbeth receives the prophecy and asks for Banquo's loyalty, and finally when Macbeth kills Banquo. …show more content…

He is never seen as a tyrant and always regards his constituents before regarding himself. When King Duncan gives Macbeth he says,“No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive,Our bosom interest: go pronounce his present death, And with his former title greet Macbeth”. When King Duncan gives Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor, he does so because he believes Macbeth has earned the position.As king he could have given that title to anyone, even someone that he was even more loyal to him than Macbeth but he didn't, this demonstrates how King Duncan was not working only in self interest. King Duncan had great ambition to continue successfully ruling and making his country better among the brothering nations. The interest referred to in the previous quote refers to the country's interest not self interest. There is no corruption in King Duncan’s rule, and he did not face some tragic downfall because of his

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