
Comparing Mill And Mills On The Death Penalty

Decent Essays

individual not only fails the first idea and is therefore unethical, it also fails the second idea because it uses that person as a tool for personal gain, as a mere means to provide closure for the victim’s family and friends who continue to deal with the trauma of losing their loved one.

Dr. Phil:
Thank you for that explanation. So Mills, what do you think about the death penalty? Do you consider it an ethical practice?

Unlike Kant, I have to agree with the majority of people….the death penalty is a morally acceptable form of punishment. I believe that people make ethical decisions when they are in pursuit of pleasure and strive to achieve an absence of pain. While upon initial hearing of this statement many people may think that my viewpoint on ethics is a grossly self-centered. When in reality it is not a …show more content…

Thank you both for sharing your views with us. So now that you have both provided your insights, what are your thoughts?

Mills, you talk about the pursuit of happiness and the absence of pain as being the deciding factor in distinguishing what is ethical, but I would argue that the death penalty does not create happiness but breeds more pain. The murderer’s family is now grieving a loss, and often times the execution of a murderer adds to the trauma the victim’s family is already experiencing. How do you account for this in your theory?

As I mentioned before, my theory is based on what is best for the society in a holistic form. While I do not disagree that the punishment of the death penalty, results in a lack of happiness for the murderers family or even the victim’s family, eliminating an accused murderer does contribute to the greater good of the holistic society because it eliminates the fear within society that they too could be a victim of a murder by that individual. Therefore the level of happiness for the greater good is increased, in spite of the pain a few individuals may experience.


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