
Comparing Mill And Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

While metaphysics questions the notion of reality, Kant questions the possibility of metaphysics. Is it reasonable to assume human mind as a capable tool of knowing the world, if its capacities of knowledge are limited? The idea of metaphysics relies on the premise that knowledge can be derived purely from reason, but Kant does not agree with it. He claims that the human mind cannot know pure reality because of the unavoidable subjectivity of any knowledge, and thus, vanquishes the concept of metaphysics. I personally agree with Kant in his distinction of phenomenal and noumenal realities and the gap between them. The human mind is only one tool for describing and understanding the world, and its capabilities are limited by its definition. In any case, we cannot transcend the physical restrictions of our senses, and that alone already draws a distinction between the world we perceive and the world that exists.

Rationalism claims that the primary source of knowledge is reason, while empiricism argues …show more content…

However, he fails to take into account various social factors that influence the ranking of pleasures by different groups of people, not to mention individuals. Plato discredits democracy as a force driven by opinion instead of knowledge and, therefore, leading to chaos and bad decisions in general. Unfortunately, it appears that Plato has a point, and, as can be seen from the most recent events, marketing forces do prevail over intelligent choices. One explanation can be that making an intelligent choice requires certain effort from the voter, while following a ready-made decision offered by marketing is much easier. Since marketing strategies usually appeal to the most basic of human needs and emotions, they prove to be much more successful than invocation of

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