
Comparing Noah And Genesis : The Similarities Between Adam And Noah

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This paper, is an in depth comparison of the similarities and differences between the Bible characters Adam and Noah. Furthermore, this paper will examine the lives of both men as well as God’s influence in their lives. In addition, this will allow the reader to come to the conclusion that Noah is “A Second Creation”, a new beginning of mankind.

The Parallels Between Adam and Noah

Through reading both stories, it is quite obvious that there are some parallels between the two. The beginning of the new world that Noah lives in directly mirrors the one of the past. In the first verses of Genesis, the week of creation is described with God creating the sea first, and then “God said, ‘Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.’ And it was so.” (Genesis 1:9). This exact same process is repeated when the flood comes, starting with “And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered.” (Genesis 7:19). This verse echoes the creation story reiterating that the whole world was covered with water until God decided it was time create land. After God had decided that it was time for the new world to begin the waters receded and left Noah’s ark resting on the top of a Mount Ararat. The familiar accounts, however don't stop there. In the beginning, God speaks to Adam saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28). Theses exact same words are told

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