
Comparing Odysseus And Penelope In Homer's Odyssey

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Odysseus and Penelope
Odysseus and Penelope are one of the oldest and greatest love stories ever known. The couple is most known for their perseverance through the many hardships in life. It’s a classic story showing that love trumps all. However, there is much more to the story than people actually know. It’s a story about hospitality, loyalty, perseverance, vengeance, spiritual growth.
In the story of Odysseus and Penelope, the two fall madly in love the very moment they see each other. They end up marrying soon after. They had a son, Telemachus. Odysseus, now the lord of his island Ithica was sent to fight in the Trojan War for ten years, leaving his brand new son and wife. Penelope vowed to wait for her husband to return from war. After ten years, the Trojan War was finally over, but Odysseus’ journey was not. For the next ten years, Odysseus was faced with obstacles like charming women and frightening giants. …show more content…

He was unfaithful to his beloved Penelope. Since everyone in inthica thought that Odysseus, their king, was dead, many suitors came to marry Penelope. She kept them away for many years, saying that when she finished her shroud for her father-in-law’s burial, she would finally marry one of them. Everyday she worked on the loom, but every night she unraveled it to reset any progress she could have made on the shroud to make more time for her husband to come back

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