
Comparing Pride In King Lear And Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

As I entered high school in Grade 9, I worried about school on how it will be difficult balancing school, family, friends, and extra-curricular activities. This all seemed impossible to me, however, as high school progressed I’ve learnt several things about people, on how we interact towards each other, and how we perceive each other for who we are. I continue to wonder why people compare each other; it’s like we’re both competing for vanities, which means utterly nothing in society. We intake everything we receive from others, making us lose our personal identity. We do not have control with ourselves; we are slaves to the system, in what we read, which formulates us to become someone else rather than ourselves. Pride is when one is too full of themselves, hence complacent …show more content…

The blindness of not knowing what is to come in a distraught world. Pride is what makes one human become lost in a simple world; when the sole purpose of life is to make a positive change in the lives around us, thus makes the world a safer place. This is portrayed in both works: Julius Caesar and King Lear. To begin, Caesar portrays the notion of pride, hence believes that his status needs to be sought after by everyone. Having this need of attention from others makes you ponder, “Why is it needed?” Our pride hungers for praise from others, we continually strive to demand people to give us respect. Similar to Caesar’s pride, his satisfaction of having him praised was his tragic flaw. Caesar’s prideful behavior eventually affected his dearest friend Brutus, which led him to his death.

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