
Comparing Romeo In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo, his name used as a metaphor for young love, his story written by Shakespeare is one of his most famous. Romeo is a lover not a fighter. His story is hundreds of years old but relatable to nearly everyone. Romeo has been used to show the danger of jumping into things too quickly and that love has no bounds. His actions, his words, and the actions and words of those closest to him show his true personality. Romeo is constantly in and out of love until he sees Rosaline. ( 1. 1.200)" She'll not to be hit with Cupid's arrow. She hath Dian's wit," he goes through life loving and being loved by numerous people. Then he meets her and he starts obsessing over Rosaline who will never love him like he loves her ( 1.1.214) "She is too fair, too wise, wisely to fair". He is selfish in many respects because he only loves Rosaline for her looks and he doesn't really love her personality. …show more content…

(1.3. 26-28)"She speaks O, speak again , bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er". He takes a big risk by going to the capulets orchard in order to see Juliet. This shows that Romeo can be bold and daring is he wants too(1.2.55) " My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself" . This will eventually lead to his demise by not think about what could result from his

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