
Comparing The Allegory Of The Cave And The Matrix

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Have you ever been in a point in time where everything seems to be perfect, only to be pulled from it to see the true inexactitude you were living in? This occurs in the movie The Matrix to Thomas Anderson, a guy who seems to be living among the norm. He soon finds out his accustomed world is far from what he thought. Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives. By day he is an average computer programmer and by night a hacker known as Neo. While he has always questioned his reality, but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of …show more content…

Midway through the story, a prisoner is drug up from the cave to be shown to the light. After being revealed to what the world actually is like, he tries to tell the other prisoners of what he had witnessed. They are astonished by what he saying and can’t believe a word due to the existence they’ve always lived. An agnate situation happens to Thomas A. Anderson, better known as Neo from The Matrix. He appears to be living a normal life until Morpheus apprise Neo on what the truth is. He’s taken to the real side of things and soons finds out that the earth in which he thought was living on, is actually destroyed. While going through painful infusions, he finally is capable of grasping the reality that’s actually taking place. Even though both pieces are fully competent in relating to the story line, they also differentiate. They do so by their differences in their truth. The Allegory of the Cave is a story to introduce ignorance and how to get passed it. The Matrix is more so the story of someone who has gone through what the philosophers from the other story are trying to prove. There’s that and the obvious fact that it is two completely different places. The Matrix is very technological while The Allegory of the Cave is based on earlier …show more content…

In both pieces, those things are looked at as the habitat for ignorance. In The Matrix, the matrix itself is an artificial reality in where uninformed people stay due to their lack of knowledge about the outside world. This same type of situation happens in “The Allegory of the Cave.” Imbecilic prisoners are down in the cave because of their refusal to see what’s outside of it. Even though they both possess the same idea, they also are able to contrast. They do that by the realness of each place. The cave is a made up place in a story to depict the ignorance the world carries. The matrix is more so a reality that is especially made to hold the ignorant

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