
Comparing The American Dream Of George And Lennie In Of Mice And Men

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American dream is the dream to live a free life and do whatever someone wants. George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men have a dream. George and Lennie's dream is to do just that. They want to save their money to buy a house. They want a couple of acres, some cows, and pigs. All they want to is live off the fat of the land with no one telling them what to do. They want to make their own food and just live the like they want. That is a great example of the American dream. Most dreams consist on being free and doing whatever they want and that is what their dream had. The American dream can be different to anyone and this is a great example of one. In “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman he talks about the songs of the workers. Each person is

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