
Comparing The Minotaur Myth To The Ohio Revised Code

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We Can Compare the Characters Actions in the Minotaur Myth to the Legal Statutes of the Ohio Revised Code.
The Minotaur Myth has very relatable situations that can be compared to our modern laws. People may believe that the Greek storytellers were trying to influence their listeners to behave in an ethical and moral way. Perhaps they wanted their listeners to lead virtuous lives that these stories were depicting in larger than life consequences. The myth portrayed the swashbuckling hero as living a clean and upstanding existence, battling the vicious monster and winning the princess. After hearing this tale they wanted their listeners to feel that being lustful and lecherous was bad, and that unprincipled trading with your neighbor was going to come to a very bad end. Many aspects of the Minotaur myth relate to today’s laws such as many poor decisions by the Atheneans, the Minotaur lets his appetite get the better of him, Aegeus gets greedy, and King Midas is our central bad guy. …show more content…

He did so amazingly well in these games that the Athenean youths were unbelievably jealous. These angry toughs set upon him and killed him for his popularity and physical prowess. If this murder were committed today, they would be tried for voluntary manslaughter. To be considered voluntary manslaughter the killing has to be in a fit of fury or rage. We would not look at the killing of Androgeus as aggravated murder since the violence was not premeditated. The voluntary manslaughter so enraged King Midas that he demanded retaliation from the Atheneans. He made the Athenean populace send a tribute of 14 youths every 9

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