
Comparing The Onondaga And The Huron Creation Myth

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Onondaga and Huron creation similarities
Native American creation myths can be similar in their creation stories. One example is that of the Onondaga and Huron who share an almost identical creation story. Both of them talk about a women falling from the sky and a turtle that turned a piece of land into the entire earth. The Onondaga creation myth and the Huron creation myth clearly influenced eacother do to the major similarities of their creation stories including their beginning, middle, and end.
The Onondaga creation myth is titled “The Earth on Turtle’s back” which starts with the great sky chief’s wife falling from the sky as a cause of the fulfillment of her dream and was caught by two swans that were part of the group of animals below. The animals lived in just water as there was no land and decide to listen to turtle who tells them to get the piece of land deep down in the water and place it on his back. The Huron creation story is almost exactly the same, it states that divine women fell from the sky and was caught by two loons who were part of the group of animals below. Like in the Onondaga creation story there was only water below and again a turtle told the animals to go deep under the water to get a piece of land. Both talk about unique women who fell …show more content…

In the Onondaga creation myth the Duck, Beaver, and Loon failed to get the piece of land in that particular order and had to return to the top for air. The Muskrat was the last one to go and was successful in getting the piece of land almost dying in the process. In the Huron creation myth the Beaver and Muskrat went down but failed and others stayed down to long and died. The last animal to go this time was the Toad who similar way almost died getting the piece of land to the surface. The similarities still persist in these two creation myths even further showing the influence that one had influence on the

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