
Comparing The Town-Ho's Story And Its Relation To Moby Dick

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The Town-Ho’s Story and its Relation to Moby Dick’s Major Themes Moby Dick is a multifaceted novel where Herman Melville tries to explain several themes, such as finding the hidden truths in life, trying to control nature, and battle of free will versus predestination. Chapter 54, “The Town-Ho’s Story”, is a story within a story. Ishmael, the main character, tells a story told to Tashtego, a harpooner on the Pequod, at a social event called a ‘gam’. Tashtego swears to keep the story a secret, until he reveals it while sleeping. Ishmael tells the story as he told it to his friends in Lima, a few years after the sinking of the Pequod. This is an interesting chapter for Melville to include in the middle of the novel because it is discontinuous …show more content…

This story takes place on the Town-Ho, a whaling ship. Ishmael starts by narrating that the Town-Ho had a leak, and the crew had to pump water out to keep it fron sinking. Steelkilt, one of the best sailors on the Town-Ho, was ordered to sweep pig droppings on the deck of the ship by Radney, the first mate. However, Steelkilt had been working all day, and told Radney it was not his job to sweep the deck. He pointed out several boys who had done nothing and were able to do this kind of work. But, Radney refused, telling Steelkilt that he must sweep. Steelkilt remained calm but still denied Radney’s order, which infuriated him. He began to angrily swing a hammer of his at Steelkilt, who calmly told him the consequences if he hit him. But, the furious Radney hit Steelkilt. Steelkilt defended himself and gave Radney a broken jaw that was “spouting blood like a whale” (Melville, 224). A brawl begins between Steelkilt and his friends and men loyal to Radney. It ends with Steelkilt trying to negotiate with the captain (who threated to shoot him) by saying that everything would go back to normal as long as there is no …show more content…

The men are trapped with very little food and water. By the fourth day, all but three men have left. Steelkilt and the two others plan to storm and take control of the ship, but the plan fails when the two men tie up Steelkilt and bring him to the main deck in hopes that the punishment will be less severe. But they get flogged anyway. Steelkilt avoids a flogging by the captain, but Radney hurts him. The crew then agrees not to call out any whales, so they can return to port and abandon the ship. Steelkilt plans to drown Radney with a heavy metal ball, which he will use to plunge him into the sea. But, before he can do it, a sailor calls out that Moby Dick has surfaced. The crew goes to kill him but fails, resigning after Radney was eaten by the whale. When the Town-Ho returns to port, the crew abandon the ship and go to Tahiti to join another ship. The captain and a few men also want to go to Tahiti to gather more men. But by what seems like fate, Steelkilt and the captain run into one another. Steelkilt threatens the captain and gets him to beach his boat for six days so that the men will have a

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