
Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper And The Metamorphosis

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The Yellow Wallpaper and the Metamorphosis share a common theme of gaining a freedom from their previous lives. The lady in the Yellow Wallpaper is controlled by her husband and escapes by imagining herself as being the girl in the wallpaper. Gregor was responsible for supporting his family financially and he never took time for himself. He gains freedom by transforming from a human into a bug. The authors have illustrated the theme by conveying their changing mental states. The Yellow Wallpaper’s author used a writing style that was more effective at conveying the gain of freedom from a previous life because it was very obtuse and difficult to understand. The authors of the Yellow Wallpaper and the Metamorphosis both use carefully-chosen words …show more content…

The Yellow Wallpaper is a story about a woman with a mental illness whose husband believes in order for her to get better she needs to avoid emotions and stay in a room. The author of the story describes the room she is staying in as having bars in the walls to reveal that she is trapped in her life by her controlling husband. When the Yellow Wallpaper’s author describes the room, she uses lots of creepy details and explains how the wallpaper bothers her. When the lady asks her husband to change the wallpaper, he replies, “After the wallpaper was changed it would be the heavy bedstead, and then the barred windows, and then that gate at the head of the stairs” (Gilman 599). These details contribute to her being trapped in the room …show more content…

This story is about a guy named Gregor with a job he hates who works all of the time to support his family. He is the only one in his family who works, therefore, he is depended on by his family. One morning, Gregor woke up to find himself transformed into a bug. He tries to live doing his normal activities but realizes he has to make changes for his physical body. When Gregor takes the quilt off and tries to get out of bed he says, “He would have needed arms and hands to hoist himself up; instead he had only the numerous little legs which never stopped waving in all directions and which he could not control” (Kafka 788). Gregor’s parents isolated him from his furniture and possessions and could not even look at him. He stayed in his room and kept to himself. His sister says, “Things can’t go on like this. I won’t utter my brother’s name in the presence of this creature, and so all I say is: we must try to get rid of it” (Kafka 812). Gregor’s family starts to believe that this is not Gregor and should not take on the role of housing this bug. Gregor hears what his sister says and realizes it is time for him to go. His last thought before he dies is, “He thought of his family with tenderness and love. The decision that he must disappear was one that he held to even more strongly than his sister, if that were possible” (Kafka 814). Because

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