
Comparing Three Versions Of Disney's Cinderella

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Have you ever watched the extraordinary “Cinderella” that was made by the Disney animators in 1950? The well known Disney’s princess movie is not the only version of this story. In fact there are over 900 versions of this story, which all originated from the chinese version Yeh-Shen. All of these 900+ stories are popular including the Norwegian version Katie Woodencloak and the French version Cinderella. Although the Norwegian version is far more different than Disney’s version the one we are familiar with, we can still find things that we have in common. Despite that the story of “Katie Woodencloak,” the Norwegian version, and the French version, “Cinderella,” have the similarities they also have there differences. Applying the motif of the “Magic Helper,” it is clear in which the story and religion of the culture in which the story has originated from. …show more content…

The “Magic Helper” in “Cinderella” helps the Damsel in distress make her wish come true. Cinderella’s wish was to go to the ball but she didn’t have the clothes that she needed and, she also didn’t have the time to get ready so her Fairy Godmother transformed her with the touch of her wand to the most beautiful princess that was ever seen. She had a pretty gold and silver gown decked out with jewels, and of course the memorable glass slippers. By this information you can tell that this story originated from France because Roman Catholic is the most popular religion in France. Catholicism is related to Christianity so when it the French mention the fairy godmother they are comparing her to an angel, and when an angel does something they do it for good as well as for the Lord so the fairy godmother was doing this to Cinderella for

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