
Comparing Trifles And Susan Glaspell's Jury Of Her Peers

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Proving furthermore the wise saying of “things are not always what they seem” Glaspell shares two seperate ways of expressing the same story of a lonely disheartened wife who kills her inadequate husband over the death of her beloved canary. The story is set in the old farmhouse of Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Authorities arrive to investigate motive of the killer while the two ladies Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters do some searching of their own. In the play write Trifles the story is told without the ability to see or hear the characters thoughts. However in “Jury of Her Peers” the author permits the true emotions and reasoning of Mrs. Hale to be seen. Due to the change in point-of-view of both works, there is a recognizable comparison in mood, comprehension …show more content…

Although in Trifles the reader is more enticed to listening to what the county attorney might have to say in regards to the maintenance of the house, in “Jury of Her Peers”, due to the third-person limited point of view in which the story is presented, the reader might lean towards favoring the women of the story. One example of à possible cause of bias is in “Jury of Her Peers” when the county attorney states "’But would the women know a clue if they did come upon it?" he said; and, having delivered himself of this, he followed the others through the stair door.’” This was not spoken in the playwright but was quickly responded to by Mrs. Hale who became annoyed at the men criticizing the kitchen. Because of the rudeness of tone from the men and the clearly stated annoyance of Mrs. Hale, the reader is most likely to favor the women over the impolite men. Contrary to this, in the playwrite, the women are portrayed as much more timid and held back, since the audience isn’t capable of knowing what the women are thinking. We see this in Trifles when Mrs. Peters refuses to leave the door and stays next to Mrs. Hale’s side when the county attorney invites them over to stand near the fire. (Trifles 709) They are seen as more lenient to the ill-mannered county attorney. This is due to the change from third person objective to third person

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