
Comparing Warren Buffet's Wells Fargo Written Policy To Their Actions

Decent Essays

Comparing the Wells Fargo written policy to their actions shows a total disconnect. Quite possibly, their “shop mentality” or decentralized culture, played a part in a less ethical culture (The Economist, 2017). However, since leaders are integral in the formation of an ethical culture, it seems that upper management either did not communicate as well as they should have, or were complicit in the irregularities. Interesting though, is that Warren Buffet’s company, is the largest shareholder, again proving that it is necessary to develop and then monitor an ethics based program (CNN Wire, 2016).

Even as the scandal broke, Wells Fargo continued to state that they were committed to putting their customers first (Merle, 2016). This was much the same rhetoric as their list of declared ethics statements, such as “be accountable for, and proud of, our conduct and our decisions”, and “comply with the letter and the spirit of the law” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, L. 2013). In this case, they did neither. If the upper management does not consistently and continually exhibit the leadership insisting on ethical behavior, employees run amok. Another direct conflict with their stated value of “acknowledge and apologize for our mistakes, and learn from our errors so we don’t make them again” was the way in which they accepted responsibility for the fraud, but did not actually admit illegal behavior (CNN Wire, 2016). However, they did reevaluate the decentralized system. …show more content…

Expecting high performance from employees is important, however not when it does so without regard to doing the right thing for the population as a

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