
Comparing and Contrasting Articles from the Daily Mail and Where’s Klaus

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Comparison between the Daily mail and where’s Klaus.
The texts’ Daily mail and the CEOP Where’s Klaus video have similarities and differences in which they present their topics to the targeted audiences. The Daily Mail text is to advise as well as warn parents of teenagers about the consequences of going on social networking sites like Facebook and is aimed at well-educated, professional parents of children between 11-18, undergoing their educational courses. The Where’s Klaus video is also used as a cautioning to well-educated mothers, who don’t have as much time to spend with their kids, telling them the consequences of not protecting their children on the internet.
The main heading for the Daily mail has “study shows” as part of it. …show more content…

In a similar way, the other text; where’s Klaus, wants to denote feelings of fear towards the targeted audience, and so take a close up of a photographer entering the house. This character is overweight, middle aged and is seen holding a camera waiting to film adult content. This stereotype of the character is exaggerated to its fullest to draw out the most disturbing images in the audiences minds and persuade them fully to protect their child on the internet. The ease at which the mother lets the strangers into the house is also exaggerated and passes along a message to the target audience. The audience feel regretful; as Klaus’ mother is their representation and this message, of actively checking what your child is doing, contributes fully to the persuasion of secure child safety on the internet.
These texts use the presentation of pictures as well as the representation of children differently to convey different images in the audiences mind and also add to the purpose; to make more than one problem with the current dilemma. In the Daily Mail text, a photo of a student, studying is shown. The innocence in her face tells the reader that she could represent everyone being affected and could symbolise the threat to the most dedicated, devoted students. The slight smile in her face shows her enjoyment in going on Facebook and tells the reader that she is unaware of what going on Facebook is doing to her academically. In contrast, CEOP’s where’s Klaus video has no overview

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