
Comparison Between Halloween And Easter

Decent Essays

Anna Steadman
Dr. Jill Leterii
English 111 HYA
19 Oct, 2017 Halloween vs Easter
Who doesn’t enjoy celebrating annual holidays? In America, there are a wide array of cultures, backgrounds, and religious beliefs, holidays can be enjoyed by many. Halloween and Easter are some of those popular holidays of the year that many people celebrate. Americans love to dress up on both occasions and celebrate their religion with family and friends. During Halloween and Easter, children also get the opportunity to eat lots of candy and participate in many fun-filled holiday activities. It may seem like Halloween and Easter have a lot in common, but they are actually very different. Although Halloween and Easter are popular holidays throughout the …show more content…

(Villalba). While some religions honor Halloween, others honor Easter. Easter is a holiday celebrated by Christian faith. Easter day represents the death of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. For Christians, Easter marks the end of Lenten fasts, which is why Easter is usually celebrated with a feast. Some Christians believe that by following the process of fasting, baptisms, and sacraments, is their way to get into heaven.
Halloween and Easter also differ in terms of children festivities. Halloween offers many fun and exciting activities for children. Every year children around the world love to go to the grocery store, or local farm and pick out their favorite pumpkin. Children then go home and get to decorate or carve their pumpkin however they like. They can create jack-o-lanterns or even funny faces out of their pumpkins. Other than the usual trick-or-treating, many community buildings and schools create Halloween fairs and events for children of all age groups. This includes hayrides, face-painting, and some spooky attractions. Some events even offer the opportunity for kids to create their own costumes; which gives children an opportunity to express themselves. On the other hand, Easter’s activities are much different compared to Halloween. During Easter, children get the opportunity to go on an Easter egg hunt. Easter egg hunts involve children scrambling around on a scavenger hunt trying to find the hidden Easter

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