
Comparison Between Madame And Madame 's ' Father, Monsieur Charles Denis Bartholme Bovary

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“He had the look of a pimp and the affable exuberance of a traveling salesmen” (Flaubert 4).
Charles’ father, Monsieur Charles-Denis-Bartholme Bovary is the second character the reader meets in the first section of the novel, this leads the reader to believe he will be important through the rest of the book. This turns out to be true as the reader learns more about him. His mother tries to shape Charles into a betterment of his father making him momentous to the story line. As the novel progresses the reader sees how he starts to behave like his father, by not taking on full adult responsibilities such as being a good typical husband. Flaubert dedicates a couple of the first pages to characterizing him in his …show more content…

She forces him into the medical profession even though he shows no real interest or educational justification to be a doctor, by not passing his tests and playing dominos in the tavern. His mother also forces him to marry a woman who she hand picked for him, whom proves to make Charles very unhappy. At the time of Charles’ marriage to Emma his mother could not be more resentful of her son for going against her wishes and wants for him. Because of this she is a flat character, she was one central authoritarian ideal when it comes to her son and shaping his life how she sees fit. She also has central emotions and motivations, her whole character concentrates around her aim for Charles’ life to be her own and exactly how she wants it. This can be clearly seen in how she handles his education, pulling him in and out of schools to do exactly what she wants.
“Come to see us my daughter thinks about you every once and awhile, and she say’s you’re forgetting her” (Flaubert 19).
Monsieur Rouault is an important man in the beginning of the story, being Emma’s father he is the reason why Emma and Charles meet and thus, so marry. The quote depicts Rouault pushing for Charles to see his daughter more after he knows his wife has passed. Charles was not to saddened by his first wife’s death when Rouault picks up on this he pushes more finally resulting in Charles wanting to marry Emma. When Charles goes to ask for

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