
Comparison Of Anthem And Station Eleven

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Anthem and Station Eleven are both dystopian novels. The citizens in each book live in a world where the government controls them using fear. Anthem, written by Ayn Rand, is focused mostly on collectivism. Collectivism is the political theory stating that an individual only exists to serve its state. Whereas in Station Eleven, by Emily St. John Mandel, it’s focused on a world after an epidemic wipes out most of humanity. In Anthem, mankind has entered a dark age and the citizens don’t have a sense of self worth. The government is controlling them and telling them what to think. Equality 7-2521, the protagonist, experiences first hand the fear the government puts on them when they express even a little bit of individuality. “My happiness is …show more content…

Take, for example, the Prophet who controlled the town of St. Deborah by the Water. Anyone was able to leave any time they wanted, or so he said. Anyone who left was not welcomed back. In our world today, the government uses fear to control us. They put things in the newspapers and social media and other things to scare us from knowing the real truth behind everything. The fear of the unknown is most likely one of the scariest things. The government uses that to control how we live on a daily basis. In Station Eleven, the prophet controls the people. “Hell is the absence of the people you long for.” (Mandel 135) The prophet had taken over while the traveling symphony was away and they had left their friends there. When they returned a few years later, they find out that their friends are gone. They longed for their friends, to see them again. They wanted to know where they went. They thought they would be safe in that town but little did they know about the prophet who would take over and turn the whole town upside …show more content…

“No one ever thinks they’re awful, even people who really actually are. It’s some sort of survival mechanism.” (Mandel 86) The tone in the prophet's voice didn't sit right with her. Anthem is a different story. Though in both novels, the government uses fear to control their citizens, they are very different. “But I am done with this creed of corruption.” (Rand 128) Equality 7-2521 has learned the significance of self worth and will not let his government try to control him again. He is his own person and has his own thoughts. No one, not even the government, can control that. After Equality 7-2521 has realized this, he can’t take it anymore.“I am done with the monster of ‘We,’ the word of serfdom, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame.” (Rand 165) No more being controlled and forced to be someone who he isn't. He does what he wants and feels no shame in

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