
Comparison Of Beloved And Ceremony

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Beloved, written by Toni Morrison in 1987, and Ceremony, written by Leslie Marmon Silko in 1977, have many overlapping characteristics. The two novels discuss finding identity through culture and the importance of tradition. Beloved tells the story of an ex-slave named Sethe and her daughter Denver. They resided in a house haunted by the ghost of Sethe’s child, named Beloved. Beloved came back to haunt the family in human form and attempted to tear the family apart. In the end, Sethe’s neighbors, who abandoned the family many years before, come back to exorcise the baby ghost and rid the family of all of its misfortune. The title Ceremony is based on the oral traditions and the ceremonial practices that the Native American people partook …show more content…

They use stories to pass down all of their past, including history, science, religious beliefs and many more subjects. One of the poems goes like this: “Ts' its' tsi' nako, Thought-Woman, is sitting in her room and what ever she thinks about appears. She thought of her sisters, Nau' ts' ity' i and I' tcs' i, and together they created the Universe this world and the four worlds below. Thought-Woman, the spider, named things and as she named them they appeared” (Silko, page 1). This poem shows how poems pass down the Native Americans heritage from past to future generations. This discussed how they believed the world was created, which is part of their religion. Silko uses poems as her way of showing their oral tradition and they are used throughout the novel. The stories represent the Native American understanding of the world for Tayo, even though the white people tried to make him believe they were false. He became very confused for a long time in his life, but once he begins reenacting these stories he reconnects with his community and feels complete again. The stories take away his loneliness because his whole community shares them because they have gone through similar experiences. The influence that stories have on his culture is described like this, “They aren’t just entertainment. Don’t be fooled. They are all we have, you see, all we have to fight off illness and death. You don’t have anything if you don’t have the stories. Their evil is mighty but it can’t stand up to our stories. So they try to destroy the stories let the stories be confused or forgotten” (Silko, page 2). This quote is saying that the storytelling is what is keeping the Native American tribes connected and if these stories are not told anymore, then their culture will fall apart. Storytelling in both Beloved and Ceremony controls the lives of all the characters and

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