
Comparison Of Cinderella And Grimm's Cinderella

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The Cinderella story as we know it is largely known due to the animated Disney film. Where we follow an incredibly tiny-footed main character, whose tiny feet, not only make me question her ability to walk, but prove vital in her escape from vicious family members, as well as said family's downfall. The modern version displays good triumphing over evil, a prince charming that comes to the rescue of the damsel-in-distress, and a happily ever after ending. With the fairy tale Cinderella, Disney maintains similar themes as the Grimm version; however, the conflicts, events, and characters that support this idea are altered to provide a different message. The Disney classic focuses on a lovely young woman, the death of her mother, her father remarries then passes himself, and her stepmother being a vicious woman with two less than pleasant daughters who then treat the Cinderella as a slave in her own house. However, the original folktale version wasn't so peppy, it portrayed the characters and themes in a more violent and gruesome way. …show more content…

Not only is the level of cruelty inflicted upon Cinderella (Aschenputtel) by her stepsisters more severe in the Grimm’s version but they are also beautiful and delicate. Unlike the Disney film where the siblings are portrayed as unattractive girls with squeaky voices and odd body portions. Conceivably, this gives the message that ugliness equates to cruelty, and the happily ever after’s are restricted to those who are beautiful. To add to the level of cruelty Cinderella's father was not only present during the ridicule and suffering inflicted upon his daughter, but was a willing participant. Proclaiming that Cinderella could never be the girl the prince is looking

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