
Comparison Of Crime And Victimless Crimes

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A broad range of crimes are committed in the United States, though the most publicized and often the most remembered are those committed against persons. While robberies or drug use may be recognized by some as major problems, it is often crimes such as assault, murder, or rape which stick in people’s minds. Crimes against persons are a category of crime that consists of offenses that usually involve causing or attempting to cause bodily harm or a threat of bodily harm ( Also considered to be crimes against persons are domestic violence, assault, and stalking. Needless to say, there are laws imposed against these crimes, and the penalties are often much more sever that with victimless crimes or property crimes. Interestingly, crimes …show more content…

The large majority of these crimes (62.3%) were aggravated assault, while robberies (theft plus violence or assumed violence) were nearly 30% of these crimes. Firearms are by far the most used weapon in murders, while in robberies and aggravated assaults the numbers are much smaller. According to the same page, offenses have been on a steady decrease since 2009, with a small jump in 2012, and then a continuance on the downward trend. According to a 2006 study, South Carolina is the most violent state in the nation, and Maine is the safest, based on reported violent crimes per 100,000 …show more content…

At the same time, the law also increased funding for the FBI, DEA, INS, US Attorneys and other aspects of the Justice Department. Certain weapon bands are employed; the death penalty is expanded, creates new categories for certain offenses, and creates the three strikes rule ( Needless to say, this law has such a wide range of jurisdiction on all aspects of crime, and is widely influential on the handling of crimes against persons. I find the aforementioned Three Strikes Law to be especially impactful on crimes against persons, as the law essentially states that if you are convicted of three crimes considered to meet a certain degree of heinous, imprisonment for life is going to be the next punishment. Essentially, this law allows someone to go to prison for life based on the third offense, regardless of how minor this offense may be, if they have two prior convictions on serious crimes ( These laws have made huge progress in creating a sense of concern in potential criminals minds, knowing the punishments, and with the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the expanded budgetary constraints allowed a much bigger

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