
Comparison Of Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton

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Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Do opposites attract? According to the law of attraction they do, but is that limited to one thing? It is not limited to one thing. The candidates running for president, while different in many ways, are similar in a few ways. Donald Trump is a businessman, T.V. producer, and a Republican. Hillary Clinton served as a senator, is married to Bill Clinton, and is a Democrat. Both candidates differ on most of their issues, but there are a few they agree on. The first difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is the economic policy. In the fall of 2015, Trump’s tax plans were released. It was one of the few issues released by his campaign, but he rewrote it earlier this year. For individual taxes the …show more content…

Abortion is another issue where each candidate follows what their party believes. Donald Trump is very pro-life, but he believes in abortion under the exceptions of rape, incest, and the life of a mother. He defends Planned Parenthood because of the services provided, such as scanning and diagnosing cervical cancer and breast cancer. Trump says that if abortion becomes illegal and a woman goes through with one, the physician giving the abortion will be punished, not the woman. Donald Trump wants illegal immigrants deported and wants to build a wall on the Mexican border to reduce illegal immigrants in the U.S. He will not allow people whom have been here their whole life to fulfill becoming a U.S. citizen. “Until we figure out what’s going on”, Trump does not want any foreign Muslims to enter the U.S. for gun control; he supports the ban on guns and the periods of waiting to purchase a gun. With the Black Lives Matter movement, Trump wants there to be more police in higher crime rate areas. Trump believes in the expansion of death penalty, including all killings of police officers. For the legalization of Marijuana, he believes in legalizing it only for medical use and not recreational use. Trump has been a supporter of gay marriage, even though the Republican party doesn’t agree. Hillary Clinton is very pro-choice. She defends women’s rights to choose. On abortions for late pregnancy, there won’t be any restrictions in the third trimester at the very end. Those restrictions would be taken into thought the life and health of a

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