Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Do opposites attract? According to the law of attraction they do, but is that limited to one thing? It is not limited to one thing. The candidates running for president, while different in many ways, are similar in a few ways. Donald Trump is a businessman, T.V. producer, and a Republican. Hillary Clinton served as a senator, is married to Bill Clinton, and is a Democrat. Both candidates differ on most of their issues, but there are a few they agree on. The first difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is the economic policy. In the fall of 2015, Trump’s tax plans were released. It was one of the few issues released by his campaign, but he rewrote it earlier this year. For individual taxes the …show more content…
Abortion is another issue where each candidate follows what their party believes. Donald Trump is very pro-life, but he believes in abortion under the exceptions of rape, incest, and the life of a mother. He defends Planned Parenthood because of the services provided, such as scanning and diagnosing cervical cancer and breast cancer. Trump says that if abortion becomes illegal and a woman goes through with one, the physician giving the abortion will be punished, not the woman. Donald Trump wants illegal immigrants deported and wants to build a wall on the Mexican border to reduce illegal immigrants in the U.S. He will not allow people whom have been here their whole life to fulfill becoming a U.S. citizen. “Until we figure out what’s going on”, Trump does not want any foreign Muslims to enter the U.S. for gun control; he supports the ban on guns and the periods of waiting to purchase a gun. With the Black Lives Matter movement, Trump wants there to be more police in higher crime rate areas. Trump believes in the expansion of death penalty, including all killings of police officers. For the legalization of Marijuana, he believes in legalizing it only for medical use and not recreational use. Trump has been a supporter of gay marriage, even though the Republican party doesn’t agree. Hillary Clinton is very pro-choice. She defends women’s rights to choose. On abortions for late pregnancy, there won’t be any restrictions in the third trimester at the very end. Those restrictions would be taken into thought the life and health of a
Donald Trump is focused primarily on helping Americans; he wants to ensure that Americans have jobs, wages, and security. In order to do so, Trump developed a “10 Point Plan to Put America First.” Trump wants to cease the mass immigration of Mexicans to America in search for work opportunities. If elected president, Trump wants to build a wall on the southern border of the United States, which will keep Mexicans out. Trump wants to make certain that any illegal immigrant is imprisoned and deported immediately. Trump does not tolerate any illegal immigrants in the United States and wants to make sure Americans are “put first.”
It seems that once they get instated as president they will do everything in their power improve the country’s economy, its education, and its relations with Russia. All candidates will do everything that they believe is right for our country. However, it does seem that they will not stand together in doing so, if one candidate out polls the other, then there will be a great feud since they all have contrasting ideas. Regardless, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are formidable individuals who have different beliefs and qualities to contribute as president, however only one can win, and experience will always trump the mindset of a
The nation has been evenly divided between Donald Trump, who is calling for dictatorial control of the country with massive tax breaks to the top 1%, and Hillary Clinton, who is calling for tax breaks for the middle class.
On June 16, 2015 Donald Trump officially announced that he was running for president of the United States. With his solange being “ Make America Great Again”. Trump is a republican and is a supporter of the Republican Party. His political stand point is often not looked positively throughout society. A republican is someone who believes that every person is responsible for their own self within their surroundings. They are opposite of the democrat party. The democrats are basically the people who supported slavery oppose to the republicans who did not. Both sides have many different opinions on the government. From taxes, social issues, free trade and labor laws, health care, and etc. Trump 's vision for america is way different than our current president Barack Obama.
Bernie Sanders is pro-choice on abortions, while Donald Trump is pro-life. Bernie Sanders very strongly supports same-sex marriage, whereas Trump does not support it. Trump strongly supports gun rights and the freedom to own firearms. Bernie, however, is neutral on the topic. Trump believes criminal punishment should be more severe, while Sanders disagrees and says it should be less
The first issue that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton disagree on is abortion. Let us take a look at Mr. Trump’s position on this topic. He is quoted as saying, “Public funding of abortion providers is an insult to people of conscience at the least and an affront to good governance at best” (Trump). He believes that “life is the most fundamental right.” Donald Trump actively opposes Planned Parenthood and disapproves of using government funds to pay for abortions. He is opposed to abortion except for rape, incest, and in cases where the life of the mother may be compromised. He would like to defund Planned Parenthood and make abortions illegal at 20 weeks unless the life of the woman is in danger by signing into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
Donald Trump and Marco Rubio are two potential presidential candidates for the 2016 presidential election for the Republican Party and I believe they have similar views on topics such as abortion, same-sex marriage,domestic issues, and keeping God in the public atmosphere. Both Rubio and Trump are against abortion. Rubio, however, has a strong disagreemnt on abortion. They are both strongly against smae- sex marriage. The ooposition for same-sex marriage has grown in recent years, but it has also gained support as well. Rubio and Trump are also against illegal immigrants, and they want to cut down on the amount of illegal immigrants entering the United States per year. Trump has a stronger argument against illegal immigrartion, he believes
Hillary Clinton's view on giving free child support is one that Trump also has. Both Trump and Hillary think the Government is the key to solving people's problems. Everyone knows that Hillary is for government programs such as Social Security but it is a surprise that Trump would also be in favour for such things because he is a Conservative. Another similarity between the presidential candidates is their tax plans.Trump wants to cut everyone's taxes, especially the wealthy,
The presidential candidates this election season are a lot more interesting than in years past. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both different in their own ways. Donald Trump has never held any form of a political office. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton, has held political positions for many years and her husband was the President of the United States. If either of them is elected it would be the first time the president has been a lot of things. First, if Hillary Clinton is elected President it would be the first time a woman has held the position of Commander and Chief. If Donald Trump is elected, he would be the first outsider with no political experience to be President. Trump is a successful business man, owning and operating several
In 2001 Hillary Clinton was elected into the senate, she then became the first, first lady to ever win a public office seat. And in 2009 she became the 67th U.S. secretary of state, she served until 2013. Now in 2016 she made history by becoming the first woman in U.S. to be a presidential nominee of a major political party. Donald Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul, a business man with no political l and reality television personality. In 2016, he became the Republican presidential nominee.
What does Abraham Lincoln mean to you? The brief story of Abraham Lincoln can be told: he was born February 12, 1809, died April 15,1865, he was a Republican, he had a wife named Mary, and had four children. The brief story is not what should be told though, the full story of Abraham Lincoln should be told. People may associate him with how tall he was or his mark on ending slavery, but there is much more than that. Lincoln's road was a long and hard one, one that should be traveled. President Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and one of the greatest the nation has ever known.
Being two completely different people; Trump who is strong, independent, and temperamental but still holding some of the same values as quite, small, and confident Secretary Clinton sounded like something that would never happen.
Morrie considered himself a “religious mutt”. He borrowed freely from multiple religions, and because he did this, it gave him a better understanding of death. It mad e him more calm about the fact that he was going to die. This helped Morrie better cope with the topic of death.
Clinton won her first election to the U.S. Senate because of her husband, Bill Clinton. She served for an eight-year term in congress and was the Secretary of State for four years. Donald Trump is a business man who has never held a position in an elected office. As said above, Clinton has more experience than Trump. Trump lacks professionalism due to not having any type of experience dealing with politics. Trump was wanting to change how everything was going to run whereas Clinton was not interested in change. She had the idea of moving things towards her liking. In a like manner, Clinton and Trump can set goals and achieve them. But more importantly, containing honesty and being trustworthy are weak points for both
What exactly is imperialism? Imperialism is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country (Beck et al. 339), with New Imperialism being a time of colonial expansion by Japan, the United States, and European countries during the late 19th and early 20th centuries (New Imperialism). While there were many reasons Europeans imperialized, one of the biggest was the advancements that spurred from the Industrial Revolution, a transition to machine-made goods that began in England in the middle 1700s (Beck et al. 283). This allowed conquering another country to be very successful. Several of those countries included those in Asia.