
Comparison Of Edgar Allan Poe And Jacob's Story

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Have you ever did something, then felt horrible later on?like guilty? Guilt is a horrible feeling, Even more so if someone's life was ended by something you did. Edgar Allan Poe and W. W. Jacob's story's both inform us how powerful guilt can be, in both, there's story's someone dies and there is an extreme amount of guilt. In the monkeys paw, there's a home that house's three people, the mother, the father, the son and the sergeant(the friend). One of the fathers old friend's comes to visit and tell stories of his journey. He talks about the pyramids, interesting people, different states and many other things over some drinks. The sergeant started telling a story about something called the monkey's paw, which is what really peaked the father's interest. The sergeant said it would grant you three wishes, but at a price. After the he finished his story the father asked to have it as a memento. The father's friend knew there was no way he would drop it so the sergeant gave him the paw, but before letting go he told him there were consequences if he used it. It was getting late and the sergeant had to leave. After he left the son went to bed so he would be ready for work in the morning, but the father and mother stayed up talking about the paw. A hour pasted and the father wished for money not thinking about what bad may happen. "I wish for two hundred pounds," said the old man distinctly. (part 1, W.W. Jacobs). The next morning the son went to work at the saw mill like an ordinary day. the parents laying in there yard reading a knitting were talking about how it didn't work and it was a tall tale when out of the blue, the father and mother received a visit from a stranger that works with there son at the mill. The stranger told the parents there was an accident at the mill. Both the father and mother dropped there things and asked what happened and if there son was okay. He hesitated, but finally got the courage to say the news. 'Your son had a accident working and passed away.” said the stranger. The mother started crying. The stranger handed them a bag of money. The stranger said he got donations from all the workers to help with the funeral. Then it dawned on the father what had happened. He had killed his

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