
Comparison Of Fly And Fly In Breaking Bad

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Many people are faced with different fear’s throughout their life and sometimes have to face these fears daily. Simple everyday tasks like going to work can create fear for someone who has anxiety over what will happen during the day, which may prevent them from accomplishing the tasks at hand. Not being able to do their job well affects people’s morality; therefore, it goes against what is socially right, having a job, and providing for their family. Everyone has a fear, and a lot of people allow this fear to take over their actions instead of overcoming it. Fear can mess with one’s perception when facing a difficult situation that may ultimately threaten their morals.
The episode, “Fly” in Breaking Bad is a good representation of fear in people's lives and how it can affect their mood for a long time. During this …show more content…

The story is set in a barbershop where the captain of the enemy rebels comes to get a haircut one day. The barber realizes who has come in, the opposing captain who he despises. As he begins the haircut he trembles with fear. Thoughts race through his mind wondering if he should kill the captain with his razor right then and there. This rapidly creates anxiety for the barber. Thinking about the outcome of killing the captain, he fears they will come after him and kill him. Finally, the barber comes to realize he is no murderer. The barber sticks with his morals and does not kill the captain.
Anxiety can change people’s viewpoint when approaching a tough situation, which can affect their morality. In both Lather and Breaking Bad, the characters face obstacles threatened by fears that could lead them to the wrong decisions. Even though their situations are very different, Walt and the Barber feel anxious over their final choice and worry about compromising their morals. In the end, fear can change the way a person lives and views life, it has an impact only we ourselves can

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